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Difference MAKERS
Pledge Online
We now offer the option to pledge online.
Simply click on the buttons and you will be taken to the online pledging forms.
Baptist congregations are supported by regular offerings of their worshippers. Our offerings are a gesture of our gratitude for God’s generosity. Offerings are a significant part of our income and makes all the difference in our ability to carry out God’s work. As disciples of Jesus, we indicate our intent by filling out a pledge card/online pledge with the amount of our gift and how it will be offered (weekly, monthly, etc.).
The Christian life is a journey. We are each in different places in that journey, but we are united in that our gifts of gratitude matter. A journey begins somewhere, and then passes milestones of growth along the way. Each year should reveal our growth from the previous year.
This year’s theme “Difference MAKERS” reminds us that we live in the fullness of God, rooted and grounded in love, trusting in God’s promises and abundant gifts. The lavish generosity of God to us prompts us to share God's abundance with others. It is this love that has kept our ministries strong, and it is that love that carries us deeper in our journey with God. Thank you for being servants of that hope in all that you do as God’s beloved in this world!