There once was a day when the denominational name on the sign told you everything you needed to know about a church. Those days are behind us. Now churches partner with different organizations to build the Kingdom of God.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina was organized in 1991 by a grassroots movement of free and faithful Baptists. We are a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice, and heart for missions service.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a Christian network comprised of individuals and churches that work together to spread the hope of Christ. The CBF is a network of Baptists who ordain women into ministry, send missionaries to serve the whole person, and who preach the simplest of messages, “love God and love neighbor.”
The Rollin' Tiger Wheelchair Basketball Team is a part of the Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital at Greenville Health System and welcomes youth with any kind of lower limb impairment to play with the team, providing a specialized sport wheelchair. Playing a team sport offers invaluable physical and personal development, among countless other benefits.