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Worship With Us
10 am Bible Study for all ages * 11 am Worship *
11 am Pelham Kids Children's Church

Most people ask if our worship style is contemporary or traditional, if we use guitars or only a piano, if they should wear jeans or a suit and whether we use screens or hymnals. The answer is YES.
Sometimes we have several instruments, but many weeks it’s simply the piano.
People wear everything from jeans to suits. We prefer you to be comfortable.
Our worship style can best be described as casual-sacred. We take God seriously, but not ourselves.
Services typically last 45 minutes, including worship and a 15-18 minute message from the pastor.
Our worship style is traditional and the music style is blended. We sing both the hymns of our faith and contemporary choruses. We use screens to display words for both and images to enhance the message.
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